Our January 2022 Make Along!
We're really excited about this project designed by Juliet Bernard. It involves a clever technique that turns colour work knitted in-the-round, into a beautiful Fair Isle scarf. To do this she has used steeking*, but it is a steek without the 'eek!' If you've always wanted to try this method but have been wary, or would like to create wonderful colour work in a simpler manner, this is definitely one to try!
Juliet says, "I love the interplay of colour in this scarf. No two will ever be the same and knitting it is such fun as you see the shades emerge. I have taken Moroccan tiles as my inspiration and the colours really enhance the design. This scarf is knitted in the round with a large steek that is unravelled to create the fringing."
Videos with Juliet Bernard: Knitting In-the-round, Fair Isle Knitting and Continental Knitting - you don't need to use this technique for the Medina project, but it's a great opportunity to try it out and is so handy for colour work!

Sara's introduction to the Medina Scarf Make Along

Steeking with Juliet Bernard
The Medina Scarf Make Along officially starts on Friday 11th February and Sara will be joined by Juliet on Facebook live on the 1st, 15th and 22nd of February at 1.30pm BST.
Each of the Rowan Felted Tweed Colour packs, Amethyst, Chartreuse and Chestnut comes with a printed copy of the pattern. If you prefer your own choice of yarn, the Medina Scarf digital pattern can also be purchased individually
Share your progress in the Black Sheep Wools Make-A-Long Facebook group.
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*Steeking is a shortcut in knitting used to make items in-the-round without interruption until the end when a straight line is cut along the center of a column of stitches. Usuall this is to make an opening, attach another piece or pick up stitches. For this project we'll turn the steeked section into a lovely fringe. Simple!