Creative Christmas - Cozy Things

Today I have the final blogger decoration to share with you. Kristen from Cozy Things blog has designed an adorable little elfin slipper for the Christmas tree. It features a sweet snowflake design, which is great for trying out a spot of colour work. The pattern, along with all of the other free Christmas patterns is available to download for free on our website.


Kristen blogs about all things handmade, she enjoys knitting, crochet and sewing all of which documents on her blog Cozy Things. Whilst Kristen had made such a lovely decoration just for us, we thought it would be nice to find out a little bit more about what Christmas means to her...........


What does Christmas mean to you?

Christmas is the heart of the cozy season. I love the build-up to it, the hoping for snow, the cinnamon-scented kitchen, the sneaky whisperings as everyone tries to keep their gift secrets. I love Andy Williams songs and hot chocolate, and I love getting cards from far-away friends. I love the chance to make things for the people I love.

Do you always have a crafty Christmas?

Always. I can't imagine any other kind.

How do you decorate your home?

Apart from the tree and the stockings and a few fairy lights, holiday decorating is at a minimum around here. I always admire a decorated-up house, but I am always a day late and a dollar short when it comes to doing it myself. I once worked for a florist who was paid at the holidays to come do up fancy people's houses for Christmas, and I always think I'd like to be rich enough for that someday. I'll hire a skilled stylist to make my wreaths and hang garlands everywhere, and I'll just enjoy the results!


Have you made any handmade gifts this year?

My work space is a regular Santa's workshop this time of year, and whenever possible, everyone on my list gets something hand made. I always wonder if they open their packages with trepidation, thinking "oh dear, here comes another pair of mittens..." but the truth is, I love to do it. I hope my family like the things I make; it's always done with love.

What is your oldest / most sentimental handmade (or not) decoration?

I have a white wool felt stocking decorated with velvet ribbons and pearl beads that was given to me as a baby, and I hang that every year. Santa has never filled it--maybe he thinks it's too pretty? My "real" Santa stocking was crocheted by my mom when I was a girl, and I still have that one, too. You can see, I'm from a Christmas crafting tribe.

Have you ever received a handmade gift? 

Oh, yes. When the kids were small, we started a tradition of hand-making gifts for everyone in the family, so I've received a lot of beautiful handmade things. My husband carved a shawl pin for me out of wood he harvested himself from the apple tree in our yard--that was pretty wonderful. My daughter, when she was away at college, took a bus to town so she could buy yarn and knitting needles, then knitted me a hat from a pattern she purchased on Etsy. That hat was so perfect, and I wore it until it fell apart. When my son was only about nine or ten, he could see how much I loved handcrafting, so he asked his dad to show him how to knit so he could make me a scarf for Christmas. They looked up tutorials on YouTube, went yarn shopping together on the sly, and then my boy made me the most precious scarf in the world, long and skinny, and full of tender mistakes. I was so shocked and thrilled when I opened that package that I cried. I treasure those things.