4mm x 30cm Tuisian Crochet Hook
Strong and durable, Milward crochet hooks prevent distortion during usage. Lightweight, a smooth, snag-free surface and uniformity of colour are the characteristics which make Milward knitting and crochet products a pleasure to use. With a knob at the handle end, these Tunisian crochet hooks for wool are perfect for Tunisian (aka Afghan) crochet. The long shaft is ideal for holding lots of stitches. Pearl-grey durable anodised aluminium crochet hook - 30cm length. Size 7 and above are in pearl-grey plastic.
Sizes 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm, 3.5mm, 4mm, 4.5mm, 5mm, 5.5mm, 6mm, 6.5mm, 7mm, 8mm, 9mm