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product and Shawl in Rico Creative Soft Wool Aran - Digital Version2.99// PatternsKnitting Patterns & BooksPatterns and BooksPopularProductstesty Code Eligible Productsz Code Eligible Products
Waistcoat Shade 006 100g To fit bust: 32-34..........2 balls 34-36..........3 balls 36-38..........3 balls
38-40..........3 balls
40-42..........3 balls
Shawl 170 x 51 cm Shade 010..........1 ball Shade 013..........1 ball Shade 008..........1 ball
Shade 007..........1 ball
Shade 006..........1 ball
Shade 011..........1 ball
4mm and 5mm needles
RicoarranBrand_RicoCollection Patterns and BooksPopular Garments_Waistcoats and GiletsProductProduct Type_Digital PatternsProduct Type_PatternsTechnique_KnitWool Weight_Aranadd-to-cart2019-07-0228620710510669Default Title2.99// Title